Outside, in my garden,
there are flowers that close their petals at night
Su centro es azul
like a blueberry or, perhaps,
a tiny blue moon
Mija cuts them on Sundays
She gives me one, two, cinco
She skips numbers
mixes languages
yet everything makes sense
I wonder what these flowers do in the mornings
when no one’s home
perhaps they play with the ghost of my daughter’s laughter
or scare the neighbour’s nosey cat
These flowers hold memories
but I forget
One becomes four
Y el cuatro es silencio
Eight becomes twelve
And then my daughter’s childhood years will become a memory too
Una florecita watching, learning, making friends
I see her grow
When I close my eyes at night
I hold on to my memories of her
Pray I don’t forget her babyhood, her childhood smile…
and that squeal
My little flower thief asked me last night
‘Mamma, why do we sleep?’
‘To make memories,’ I said.
‘But how?’
‘We draw them in our inner eye,
el que nunca se cierra, aquí, en medio de tu frente.’