By Harriet Jae
after a haiku by Onno-Sven Tromp
de blauwe reiger
hapt met een scherpe snavel
zijn spiegelbeeld stuk
blue heron’s sharp beak
snaps at its mirror image
breaks it to pieces
narcissus heron
peck peck at your reflection
drown it in the lake
hapt means bites the bait
crumbs of self are all you hold
fodder for the pike
heron you can’t bear
to translate the dark water
pick yourself to bits
spiegelbeeld being
troubling the speckling surface
and wobbling in fright
snavel is pen nib
sharp on the page’s mirror
just make the first cut
a face in a lake
coalesces before breaking
if you slash it right
heron heeds no self
ignores all needless ripples
keeps on her vigil
one crooked vogel
watching, untranslatable,
as the lake ruffles
distant blue heron
devoted to the silence
married to nothing
‘vogel’ means bird in Dutch