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The Ballad of the Morris Omies

By Caleb Parkin

Polari version, to the tune of Landlord Fill the Flowing Bowl

Now varder our almighty bells!

Our baldricks red, our chemmies white.

Behankied famblesLallies leap!

Flow’ry capellas bona bright.


We buvare the tankard ale,

Cold-calling ev’ry worthy inn.

Then dizzy omies barely know

How gyps do end, or hays begin.


We joggering omieschanting songs -

Unto your nells our squeezebox sounds!

Oh chuck us not into a naff rosie cod,

But behold our wallops, our riotous rounds.


We’re Morris Omiesthe bones and me,

Whose fabulosa forries gleam!

Our corybungus thews do ache

The same as all who’re on the Team.

Click here for the English translation

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