sampling Derek Jarman’s Blue
like this flower picked for fear
of losing you like this goldfish
flushed down the heresy of childhood
there’s a better place they swore
i swear this is the only place
our silences shall long for
but the gods will tear us apart
like love without joy no division
like martyrs on faggots in flames, abrupt
the faggots – yay us – disintegrating
history’s post-truth
so minds will wander truth shall lie
neglected in harsh epiphanies
our lives untold / unfold
in a billion pieces
/ don’t mute don’t anger me /
your story disconnecting
& rebuked
– it’s off
my centre of gravity dishevelled from
its kernel
from its core / you’re silent
but there’s a better place they swore
yet everyone i love dies
like this flower –
blue, upon your grave